Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lauren M

Here's a painting of my hilarious friend Lauren. She's rad.
She found that white jacket at a thrift store, she said. I believe it, she's one of my favorite flea market companions ever (please refer to me buying crazy denim jackets).

I had to start over and over again to try to get that Lauren essence, and in my opinion I still haven't succeeded, but it's better than my first few sketches. One day, I shall make a better one!


Abz said...

Great paint-ment-ship..:p Stop by!!

Ted Blackman said...

Looks like Lauren is stylin' hard!! YAY!!!

Aaron Spurgeon said...

I like this character style you've developed Tuna. Great work!

tunamunaluna said...

Thanks Abz.

Hi Ted! Lauren IS stylin hard. She's one of a kind!

Thanks Aaron. Hope you're doing well